Shopping, plage, casinos, à Saint-Martin les activités sont peu nombreuses même si on peut caser dans son planning une journée à Saint-Barth ou sur l'île d'Anguilla située à côté. Néanmoins il y a tout de même des endroits incontournables à découvrir comme la ferme des papillons appelée ici The Butterfly Farm et créée en 1994.
Shopping, beach, casinos, in Saint-Martin the activities are not very numerous even if it's possible to plain in his planning a day in Saint-Barth or on the island of Anguilla located next to it. Nevertheless there are places to discovered like the Butterfly Farm created in 1994.
Shopping, beach, casinos, in Saint-Martin the activities are not very numerous even if it's possible to plain in his planning a day in Saint-Barth or on the island of Anguilla located next to it. Nevertheless there are places to discovered like the Butterfly Farm created in 1994.
Si le billet peut sembler onéreux à 14 euros ( Ou 15 Dollars. ) finalement il n'en est rien puisque l'on peut y rester le temps que l'on veut. Autre point non négligeable il est valable toute la durée de son séjour. Un point avantageux pour nous puisque nous y sommes retournés deux fois à défaut d'avoir pu observer le premier coup le plus beau spécimen à mes yeux, le papillon de nuit, qui met 6 mois à se développer pour seulement 5 jours de vie.
If the ticket can seem expensive to 14 euros (or 15 Dollars.) it's not the case because you can stay the time you want. Another not insignificant point is that it's valid throughout the duration of its stay. An advantage for us since we returned twice after failing to observe at the first visit the most beautiful specimen at my eyes, the moth, which takes 6 months to develop for only 5 days of life.
If the ticket can seem expensive to 14 euros (or 15 Dollars.) it's not the case because you can stay the time you want. Another not insignificant point is that it's valid throughout the duration of its stay. An advantage for us since we returned twice after failing to observe at the first visit the most beautiful specimen at my eyes, the moth, which takes 6 months to develop for only 5 days of life.
Même s'il y fait très chaud cet endroit n'en est pas moins paisible et des guides expliquent très bien toutes les phases de reproduction du papillon même si le plus amusant pour moi était de les photographier.
Even though it's very hot inside this place is not less peaceful and guides explain very well all the phases of reproduction of the butterfly although the most fun for me was to photograph them.
Even though it's very hot inside this place is not less peaceful and guides explain very well all the phases of reproduction of the butterfly although the most fun for me was to photograph them.
Il existe autant de types de papillons qu'il n'y a de variétés de fleurs.
There are as many types of butterflies as there are varieties of flowers.
Malgré de nombreux cyclones plus ou moins violents qui ont parfois fait de gros dégâts la Butterfly Farm a toujours été reconstruite à l'identique avec son jardin tropical, ses bassins peuplés de poissons et surtout sa grande variété de fleurs et plantes qui sont essentielles au développement de la chenille. Si vous ne le saviez pas chaque espèce se nourrit uniquement d'un type de plante en particulier et n'en change jamais d’où la grande variété de papillons.
Despite numerous cyclones of varying degrees of violence, which have sometimes done a lot of damage, the Butterfly Farm has always been rebuilt with its tropical garden, fishponds and especially its wide variety of flowers and plants that are essential for development of the caterpillar. If you didn't know, each species feeds only on one particular type of plant and never changes.
Despite numerous cyclones of varying degrees of violence, which have sometimes done a lot of damage, the Butterfly Farm has always been rebuilt with its tropical garden, fishponds and especially its wide variety of flowers and plants that are essential for development of the caterpillar. If you didn't know, each species feeds only on one particular type of plant and never changes.
De l’œuf à la chenille jusqu'au papillon.
From egg to caterpillar to butterfly.
From egg to caterpillar to butterfly.
Précieuses chrysalides.
Precious chrysalis.
Place à la nursery qui est le lieu où sont regroupées toutes les chrysalides qui vont donner naissance aux papillons de jour et les cocons dans lesquels se développent les papillons de nuit. Pour observer les naissances il faut venir dès l'ouverture ! Pour attirer les papillons sur soi il est préférable de porter des couleurs vives comme du rouge ou du rose ou encore d'asperger son doigt avec le jus d'une orange fraîche ou du rhum, ils adorent ça !
Place at the nursery which is the place where are gathered all the chrysalis that will give birth to the butterflies and the cocoons in which the moths develop. To observe the births you must come from the opening. To attract butterflies to yourself it's better to wear bright colors like red or pink or to sprinkle your finger with the juice of a fresh orange or rum, they love it.
Je dois avouer que je me suis pas mal lâchée pour prendre autant de photos de toutes ces chrysalides mais elles sont si jolies ! Elles ont toutes des formes et des couleurs différentes. Certaines semblent même être en cristal ou bien recouvertes d'un fin voile d'or ou d'argent tant elles brillent. De vrais joyaux délicats et fragiles.
I must confess that I took many photos of all of these chrysalis but they are so pretty ! They all have different shapes and colors. Some even seem to be crystal or covered with a fine veil of gold or silver as they shine. Real jewels delicate and fragile.
Amazing post. Well done! Keep going
RépondreSupprimerPlease check my last post blog
Many kisses
Lady Fur
Thank you for sharing =). !
SupprimerSo beautiful:).
Thank you ! It's a lovely place !
SupprimerGreat pictures!!!
RépondreSupprimerI'm glad you like it =). ! Thank you !
Supprimeramazing pics
RépondreSupprimerThank you and come back when you want !
SupprimerAh, such pretty photos!
RépondreSupprimerHave a great week,
P.S.: Thanks for leaving such nice comment on my recent post!
You're welcome =). !
SupprimerYour pictures are incredible.
RépondreSupprimerThank you I try to do my best !
SupprimerTrès belles photos !
RépondreSupprimerMerci ! Ravie que ça te plaise =). !
SupprimerWow amazing post!!!PIcs are awesome!!!!XoXo
RépondreSupprimerBeautiful photos! I bet it's such a fun place to visit :) xx
RépondreSupprimerFun but above all calm and relax =). !
SupprimerWow so cool!
Amazing pics! Loving your blog and wil be following you from now on through G+. I love art myself. Hope you take a look at my blog and follow as well. Have a wondrful Holiday season!
RépondreSupprimerMuch Love,
Thank you so much for the follow ! I hope you'll like the other articles =). !