Imposants, colorés, j'ai aimé admirer de loin les temples Tamouls lors d'un premier voyage à l'île de la Réunion en 2012. Véritable découverte à cette époque, l'accès à ces lieux de culte me semblait très compliqué pour les non pratiquants et j'étais rentrée en métropole sans avoir passé l'arche richement décorée de l'un d'eux. Pour ce deuxième séjour sur l'île intense, je me suis bien renseignée afin de ne pas rentrer en France aussi frustrée que la première fois et j'ai fait de ces temples une des priorités de ce voyage.
Imposing, colorful, I enjoyed admiring the Tamil temples from afar during a first trip to Reunion Island in 2012. A real discovery at that time but the access to these places of worship seemed very complicated to me for the non-practicing and I returned in France without having passed the richly decorated arch of one of them. For this second stay on the island, I informed myself well so as not to return to France as frustrated as the first time and I made these temples one of the priorities of this trip.
Imposing, colorful, I enjoyed admiring the Tamil temples from afar during a first trip to Reunion Island in 2012. A real discovery at that time but the access to these places of worship seemed very complicated to me for the non-practicing and I returned in France without having passed the richly decorated arch of one of them. For this second stay on the island, I informed myself well so as not to return to France as frustrated as the first time and I made these temples one of the priorities of this trip.
Après plusieurs recherches sur internet et les réseaux sociaux je me suis aperçue qu'il était possible de réserver une visite guidée dans quelques temples Tamouls dispersés au sud de l'île. Parfois directement sur le site de l'Office du Tourisme du Sud de la Réunion, en sélectionnant un jour et un créneau horaire, parfois directement en appelant le numéro indiqué en fonction du temple sélectionné. Les réservations disponibles pendant mon voyage m'ont fait opter pour la découverte du temple Maha Badra Karli.
After several searches on the internet and social networks I realized that it was possible to book a guided tour in a few Tamil temples scattered in the south of the island. Sometimes directly on the website of the South Reunion Tourist Office, by selecting a day and a time slot, sometimes directly by calling the number indicated depending on the temple selected. The reservations available during my trip made me opt for discovering the Maha Badra Karli temple.
After several searches on the internet and social networks I realized that it was possible to book a guided tour in a few Tamil temples scattered in the south of the island. Sometimes directly on the website of the South Reunion Tourist Office, by selecting a day and a time slot, sometimes directly by calling the number indicated depending on the temple selected. The reservations available during my trip made me opt for discovering the Maha Badra Karli temple.
Situé dans le quartier de la Ravine Blanche à Saint-Pierre, ce temple a été construit en 1972 puis restauré en 1988. Ici on y vénère Karli, déesse de la destruction mais aussi de la transformation et de la protection souvent représentée avec plusieurs bras qui tiennent des armes. D'autres signes distinctifs permettent d'identifier la déesse qui est l'une des plus vénérées de l'hindouisme. C'est un des sujets qu'aborde le guide en plus de nous partager ses connaissances concernant l'architecture du temple et de nous expliquer les rituels qui y sont pratiqués.
Located in the Ravine Blanche district of Saint-Pierre, this temple was built in 1972 then restored in 1988. Here is worshiped Karli known as the goddess of destruction but also of transformation and protection, often represented with several arms holding weapons. Other distinctive signs make it possible to identify the goddess who is one of the most revered in Hinduism. This is one of the subjects that the guide talks about in addition of sharing his knowledge with us about the architecture of the temple and explaining to us the rituals that are practiced there.
Located in the Ravine Blanche district of Saint-Pierre, this temple was built in 1972 then restored in 1988. Here is worshiped Karli known as the goddess of destruction but also of transformation and protection, often represented with several arms holding weapons. Other distinctive signs make it possible to identify the goddess who is one of the most revered in Hinduism. This is one of the subjects that the guide talks about in addition of sharing his knowledge with us about the architecture of the temple and explaining to us the rituals that are practiced there.
Chaque objet à une symbolique dans les temples Tamouls dont l'histoire commence avec l'arrivée des " Malbars " ( Réunionnais d'origine indienne. ) qui ont importé leur religion sur l'île. Aujourd'hui l'Hindouisme est la deuxième religion la plus pratiquée à la Réunion après le catholicisme.
Each object has a symbolism in the Tamil temples whose history begins with the arrival of the “Malbars” (Reunion Islanders of Indian origin.) who imported their religion to the island. Today Hinduism is the second most practiced religion in Reunion Island after Catholicism.
Pour accéder à l'un de ces temples, notamment celui de Badra Karli, quelques règles vestimentaires sont à respecter, comme le fait d'avoir les jambes et les bras couverts pour les hommes et pour les femmes, mais aussi de ne pas porter de cuir ni de chaussures. Toutes les consignes sont données au moment de la réservation qui peut se faire via le site où un numéro de téléphone est donné pour faire une réservation.
To access one of these temples, notably that of Badra Karli, some clothing rules must be respected, such as having your legs and arms covered for men and women, but also not wearing leather or shoes. All instructions are given at the time of booking which can be made via the website where a telephone number is given to make a reservation.
To access one of these temples, notably that of Badra Karli, some clothing rules must be respected, such as having your legs and arms covered for men and women, but also not wearing leather or shoes. All instructions are given at the time of booking which can be made via the website where a telephone number is given to make a reservation.
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