Que faire durant l'été 2020 à Porto ? C'est une question qui ne se posait pas tellement puisque, malgré la pandémie, tout était encore ouvert au public y compris le grand portail de la fondation Serralves. Une visite parmi d'autres qui a particulièrement retenue mon attention grâce à la Casa Serralves érigée comme un petit joyaux rose de l'Art Déco dans un parc de 18 hectares.
What to do during summer 2020 in Porto ? This is a question that did not arise so much because, despite the pandemic, everything was still open to the public including the large portal of the Serralves Foundation. One visit among others that particularly caught my attention thanks to the Casa Serralves erected like a small pink jewel of Art Deco in a park of 18 hectares.
What to do during summer 2020 in Porto ? This is a question that did not arise so much because, despite the pandemic, everything was still open to the public including the large portal of the Serralves Foundation. One visit among others that particularly caught my attention thanks to the Casa Serralves erected like a small pink jewel of Art Deco in a park of 18 hectares.
Commandée à l'origine par le comte Carlos Alberto Cabral au début du XXème siècle afin d'en faire sa résidence privée, elle est achevée en 1944 avant d'être classée Bâtiment d'Intérêt public. Plus tard les difficultés financières du comte entre autres soucis l'obligent à vendre sa propriété au comte de Riba d'Ave avant qu'elle ne soit rachetée par l'Etat au cours des années 80.
Originally ordered by Count Carlos Alberto Cabral at the beginning of the 20th century to make it his private residence, it was completed in 1944 before being classified as a Building of Public Interest. Later the count's financial difficulties, among other problems, forced him to sell his property to the count of Riba d'Ave before it was bought by the Portuguese government in the 1980s.
Originally ordered by Count Carlos Alberto Cabral at the beginning of the 20th century to make it his private residence, it was completed in 1944 before being classified as a Building of Public Interest. Later the count's financial difficulties, among other problems, forced him to sell his property to the count of Riba d'Ave before it was bought by the Portuguese government in the 1980s.
Aujourd'hui la Casa Serralves trône face à un jardin à la française composé, entre autres, de bassins et fontaines depuis lesquels on peut admirer sa façade et ses lignes très inspirées de l'Art déco avant de poursuivre la visite en franchissant l'entrée située à l'arrière du bâtiment. La villa rose a gardé son architecture de l'époque mais se vide peu à peu de ses meubles qui sont vendus aux enchères. Tandis que la façade prospère sous le ciel bleu l'intérieur, aussi vide qu'une maison qui vient d'être vendue, semble triste et sans vie. Rien de mieux pour décevoir les touristes ou, au contraire, rêver quelques minutes d'être le prochain acquéreur et se projeter dans cet intérieur des années 30.
Today the Casa Serralves sits in front of a French garden composed, among other things, of ponds and fountains from which you can admire its facade and its lines very inspired by Art Deco before continuing the visit by the entrance located at the back of the building. The pink villa has kept its architecture of the time but is gradually emptying its furniture which is sold at auction. While the facade prospers under the blue sky the interior, as empty as a house that has just been sold, looks sad and lifeless. Nothing better to disappoint tourists or, on the contrary, to dream for a few minutes of being the next buyer and to project yourself in this interior of the 1930s.
Today the Casa Serralves sits in front of a French garden composed, among other things, of ponds and fountains from which you can admire its facade and its lines very inspired by Art Deco before continuing the visit by the entrance located at the back of the building. The pink villa has kept its architecture of the time but is gradually emptying its furniture which is sold at auction. While the facade prospers under the blue sky the interior, as empty as a house that has just been sold, looks sad and lifeless. Nothing better to disappoint tourists or, on the contrary, to dream for a few minutes of being the next buyer and to project yourself in this interior of the 1930s.
Si la Casa Serralves était la raison principale de mon déplacement ce n'est pourtant pas l'unique point d'intérêt qui est mis en valeur dans le parc même si pour moi il n'y avait qu'elle. J'ai tout de même pris quelques heures pour faire le tour complet, longé la Casa da Musicà, fait le tour d'un lac caché en pleine forêt, continué mon chemin jusqu'à une petite ferme avant de revenir sur mes pas en direction du musée d'Art Contemporain. Ah ces artistes de l'Art Contemporain, ce n'est pas toujours sur la signification de leurs œuvres en elles mêmes que je me pose des questions mais sur comment une œuvre a pu les propulser dans des musées jusqu'à obtenir une renommée planétaire ...
If Casa Serralves was the main reason of my visit, it's not the only point of interest that is highlighted in the park even if for me there was only her. Anyway, I took a few hours to do the full tour, walked along the Casa da Musicà, went around a lake hidden in the middle of the forest, continued my way to a small farm before retracing my steps in the direction of the Museum of Contemporary Art. Oh, these artists of Contemporary Art, it's not always on the meaning of their works in themselves that I ask myself questions but on how a work has been able to propel the artist in museums until he achieve worldwide fame ...
If Casa Serralves was the main reason of my visit, it's not the only point of interest that is highlighted in the park even if for me there was only her. Anyway, I took a few hours to do the full tour, walked along the Casa da Musicà, went around a lake hidden in the middle of the forest, continued my way to a small farm before retracing my steps in the direction of the Museum of Contemporary Art. Oh, these artists of Contemporary Art, it's not always on the meaning of their works in themselves that I ask myself questions but on how a work has been able to propel the artist in museums until he achieve worldwide fame ...
Pas plus interloquée par le musée, qui n'a pas eu l'effet d'un Wow Effect sur moi, la suite logique de cette balade, qui prenait fin, était de quitter la Fondation Serralves en direction de la plage avec beaucoup ( Trop ? ) de photos sur mon coup de cœur de la matinée, la Casa Serralves bien sûr !
Not surprised by the museum, which didn't have the effect of a Wow Effect on me, the logical continuation of this visit, which ended, was to leave the Serralves Foundation in the direction of the beach with a lot of photos on my crush of the morning, Casa Serralves of course !
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