Un paysage lunaire et l'impression d'être sur la planète Mars. C'est l'impression que donne la Plaine des Sables qui s'étend à perte de vue sous nos yeux. Si la Réunion est un vaste terrain de jeu pour les amoureux de randonnées, l'ascension du Piton de la Fournaise est en tête des activités à ne pas manquer lors d'un voyage sur l'île.
A lunar landscape and the impression of being on the planet Mars. This is the impression given by the Plaine des Sables which stretches as far as the eye can see before our eyes. If Reunion is a vast playground for hiking lovers, the ascent of Piton de la Fournaise is at the top of the activities not to be missed during a trip to the island.
A lunar landscape and the impression of being on the planet Mars. This is the impression given by the Plaine des Sables which stretches as far as the eye can see before our eyes. If Reunion is a vast playground for hiking lovers, the ascent of Piton de la Fournaise is at the top of the activities not to be missed during a trip to the island.
Toujours considéré comme volcan actif de nos jours, il redessine les contours de la Réunion à chaque nouvelle éruption tout en faisant parler de lui et de l'île dans les médias Français. Tandis que son enclos est un lieu d'émerveillement pour de nombreux touristes chaque année, il est aussi l'endroit où l'on recense de nombreux décès pour non respect des règles de sécurité sur place.
Considered as an active volcano nowadays, it redraws the contours of Reunion at each new eruption while making people talk about it and the island in the French media. While its enclosure is a place of wonder for many tourists each year, it's also the place where many deaths have been recorded for non-compliance with safety rules on site.
Considered as an active volcano nowadays, it redraws the contours of Reunion at each new eruption while making people talk about it and the island in the French media. While its enclosure is a place of wonder for many tourists each year, it's also the place where many deaths have been recorded for non-compliance with safety rules on site.
L'altitude fait perdre de nombreux degrés par rapport aux températures du littoral et le terrain est complètement constitué de roche volcanique qui s'est durcie avec les années. Par déduction, une tenue adaptée ( vêtements chauds + chaussures de marche ) c'est déjà la base pour grimper au sommet du Piton de la Fournaise et atteindre le cratère Dolomieu tout en respectant le marquage blanc au sol pour ne pas se perdre.
The altitude makes you lose many degrees compared to coastal temperatures and the land is completely made up of volcanic rock which has hardened over the years. By deduction, suitable outfit ( warm clothing + walking shoes ) is already the basis for climbing to the summit of Piton de la Fournaise and reaching the Dolomieu crater while respecting the white markings on the ground so as not to get lost.
The altitude makes you lose many degrees compared to coastal temperatures and the land is completely made up of volcanic rock which has hardened over the years. By deduction, suitable outfit ( warm clothing + walking shoes ) is already the basis for climbing to the summit of Piton de la Fournaise and reaching the Dolomieu crater while respecting the white markings on the ground so as not to get lost.
Les plus motivés peuvent se lancer dans cette randonnée, qui est estimée à 5h aller/retour. Pour les autres, il n'est pas obligatoire d'atteindre le cratère Dolomieu pour profiter de cet endroit qui semble irréel ! Après avoir atteint le sommet du Piton de la Fournaise lors d'un premier voyage à la Réunion en 2012, on a préféré se contenter d'une balade depuis la Plaine des Sables jusqu'au cratère du Formica Léo pour ce deuxième séjour sur l'île.
The most motivated can do this hike, which is estimated at 5 hours round trip. For others, it's not obligatory to reach the Dolomieu crater to enjoy this place which seems unreal ! After reaching the summit of Piton de la Fournaise during a first trip to Reunion in 2012, we preferred to walk from Plaine des Sables to the Formica Leo crater for this second stay on the island.
The most motivated can do this hike, which is estimated at 5 hours round trip. For others, it's not obligatory to reach the Dolomieu crater to enjoy this place which seems unreal ! After reaching the summit of Piton de la Fournaise during a first trip to Reunion in 2012, we preferred to walk from Plaine des Sables to the Formica Leo crater for this second stay on the island.
Très pressée de revoir ce paysage lunaire, on a pris la route en direction de la Plaine des Sables. La chaleur et le ciel bleu du littoral ont laissé place à la fraicheur des hauteurs. Un brouillard épais, qui ne donnait pas la possibilité de voir à 2 mètres devant nous, et la pluie ont fait leur apparition sur le chemin. Moi qui pensais que l'on ne verrait rien une fois sur place, j'ai vite été rassurée de voir un paysage presque dégagé une fois la Plaine des Sables atteinte.
Very eager to see this lunar landscape again, we took the road towards the Plaine des Sables. The heat and blue sky of the coast have been replaced by the freshness of the heights. A thick fog, which didn't allow to see 2 meters in front of us, and rain appeared on the path. I thought we wouldn't be able to see anything once there but I was quickly reassured to see an almost clear landscape once we reached the Plaine des Sables.
On était à près de 2 260 mètres d'altitude et cette première étape méritait bien les longues minutes de route à braver la météo. Pour nous, profiter de cet endroit c'était s'arrêter de temps à autres sur l'unique route de la Plaine des Sables pour admirer ce paysage et l'immortaliser avant de rejoindre le parking où commence les randonnées possibles et balisées du Piton de la Fournaise.
We were at almost 2,260 meters above sea level and this first stage was well worth the long minutes of driving braving the weather. For us, enjoying this place meant stopping from time to time on the only road to the Plaine des Sables to admire this landscape and immortalize it before reaching the parking where the possible and marked hikes of the Piton de la Fournaise begin.
We were at almost 2,260 meters above sea level and this first stage was well worth the long minutes of driving braving the weather. For us, enjoying this place meant stopping from time to time on the only road to the Plaine des Sables to admire this landscape and immortalize it before reaching the parking where the possible and marked hikes of the Piton de la Fournaise begin.
Pour cette deuxième étape de notre balade, direction les Pas de Bellecombe qui surplombent le Nord-Ouest de l'enclos Fouqué. C'est ici que commence l'ascension vers le cratère Dolomieu mais aussi celle vers le Formica Léo qui s'est formé lors d'une éruption en 1753. Le chemin est en lacet, constitué uniquement de marches et permet de rejoindre l'enclos Fouqué en 15 à 20 minutes. Le paysage est similaire à la Plaine des Sables mais se différencie par ses cratères, qui se forment à chaque nouvelle éruption, tandis que le sol n'est fait que d'anciennes coulées de lave, durcie au fil des années, d'où la verdure tente de se refaire une place.
For this second stage of our walk, we went towards the Pas de Bellecombe which overlooks the North-West of the Fouqué enclosure. It's here that the ascent towards the Dolomieu crater begins but also towards the Formica Leo which was formed during an eruption in 1753. The path is made up only of steps and allows you to reach the enclosure Fouqué in 15 to 20 minutes. The landscape is similar to the Plaine des Sables but is differentiated by its craters, which are formed at each new eruption, while the ground is only made of old lava flows, hardened over the years, where the greenery tempts to find a place again.
For this second stage of our walk, we went towards the Pas de Bellecombe which overlooks the North-West of the Fouqué enclosure. It's here that the ascent towards the Dolomieu crater begins but also towards the Formica Leo which was formed during an eruption in 1753. The path is made up only of steps and allows you to reach the enclosure Fouqué in 15 to 20 minutes. The landscape is similar to the Plaine des Sables but is differentiated by its craters, which are formed at each new eruption, while the ground is only made of old lava flows, hardened over the years, where the greenery tempts to find a place again.
En quelques minutes on accède facilement au cratère du Formica Léo, dont le nom fait référence au piège que le fourmilion creuse pour attraper les fourmis, et l'intérêt de ce lieu n'est pas seulement dû au fait qu'il soit facile d'accès ! Je trouve ce cône volcanique particulièrement beau avec ses dégradés de rouge et orange intenses. Ce qui m'étonnera toujours c'est l'effet d'optique depuis les Pas de Bellecombe qui donne l'impression qu'il est tout petit alors qu'il est très large ! C'est ce type de randonnée, relativement simple, qu'il ne faut pas manquer à l'île de la Réunion même si je dois dire qu'il faut du souffle pour remonter les Pas de Bellecombe ...
In a few minutes you can easily reach the crater of Formica Leo, whose name refers to the trap that the antlion digs to catch the ants, and the interest of this place is not only due to the fact that it's easy to access ! I find this volcanic cone particularly beautiful with its intense shades of red and orange. What will always amaze me is the optical effect from the Pas de Bellecombe which gives the impression that it's very small even though it's very wide ! It's this type of hike, relatively simple, that shouldn't be missed on Reunion Island even if I must say that it takes some breath to go up the Pas de Bellecombe ...
In a few minutes you can easily reach the crater of Formica Leo, whose name refers to the trap that the antlion digs to catch the ants, and the interest of this place is not only due to the fact that it's easy to access ! I find this volcanic cone particularly beautiful with its intense shades of red and orange. What will always amaze me is the optical effect from the Pas de Bellecombe which gives the impression that it's very small even though it's very wide ! It's this type of hike, relatively simple, that shouldn't be missed on Reunion Island even if I must say that it takes some breath to go up the Pas de Bellecombe ...
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